crossed (3) Windows Alt-code Alt+1f38c Decimal HTML Entity 🎌 Hex HTML Entity 🎌 UTF-16 hex 0xd83c 0xdf8c Encoded URL %F0%9F%8E%8C Version Unicode 6.You can get similar and related emoji at the bottom of this page.Įmoji name Crossed Flags Symbol 🎌 Codepoint U+1f38c Shortcode :crossed_flags: Category Flags Keywords celebration (76) This emoji is mature enough and should work on all devices. Use symbol 🎌 to copy and paste Crossed Flags Emoji or 🎌 code for HTML. Sometimes these pictures are ambiguous and you can see something else on them -). That symbol, when put after any text character, and almost any emoji turns it into an anti-character, like this. The emoji, which features an LGBT+ Pride flag with a crossed-out circle superimposed over it, has gone viral on Twitter after being. You may click images above to enlarge them and better understand Crossed Flags Emoji meaning. Social networks descended into chaos after one Twitter user cleverly trolled by composing an LGBT emoji with a combining symbol for ban. A new emoji with a clear anti-LGBT message has sparked outrage. 🎌 Crossed Flags Emoji was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 standard in 2010 with a U+1F38C codepoint and currently is listed in 🏁 Flags category.